Office of Operations, Security, and Preparedness
Police Service
Program Development and Guidance
The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Security and Law Enforcement is responsible for ensuring that VA has an effective program in place for the protection of the veterans, staff and visitors who use our Medical Centers. The primary official in the Office of Security and Law Enforcement to meet that responsibility is the Director, Police Service. Through an active program of policy reviews and development, along with researching and applying the most modern of police techniques, the Director works to ensure that VA Medical Centers have highly effective VA Police programs.
Each Inspector has responsibility for certain regions of the country and provides direct technical support to the VA Police Chiefs and facility management within those regions. The Inspectors are in regular contact with their respective VA Police Chiefs, responding as needed to trouble spots.
Police Program Inspections
In order to ensure the effectiveness of the security and law enforcement programs of VA Medical Centers, the Police Service provides a comprehensive program of on-site inspections. Field Inspectors from the Office of Security and Law Enforcement conduct a careful review of the security and law enforcement posture of each facility at least once every two years. The Inspectors spend several days at each site and review all of the elements of the security and law enforcement program in a detailed manner. After the visit, the inspector prepares a comprehensive report of findings, which is provided to the facility management through the VHA Network Office for action.
Criminal Investigations
The Office of Security and Law Enforcement conducts internal affairs and criminal investigations. The OS&LE staff are empowered by statute to exercise Federal arrest authority for offenses occurring on Department owned property. The Inspectors of the OS&LE also provide oversight and support to criminal investigations conducted by VA Police units at the 170 VA Medical Centers in support of the organizational mission.
Executive Protection
The Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs receive appropriate levels of executive protection. These protective services are provided by the staff of the Office of Security and Law Enforcement and managed by the Director, Police Service
Consultation with other VA Elements
The Police Service provides direct support and consultation services to all elements of the VA in the areas of Physical Security and Law Enforcement. The Service has worked throughout the Department to ensure that that highest level of protection and enforcement is provided to all veterans and staff who visit or use VA facilities.
Liaison with other Federal Law Enforcement
Police Service works regularly with several Federal law enforcement agencies in areas such as information sharing, training, planning and policy development.